Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: Logical Levels Behavioural Model - mapped to Hodges' model

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Logical Levels Behavioural Model - mapped to Hodges' model

humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic

Beliefs & Values

(Interpersonal) Skills

Environment (cognitive access)
Environment (physical access)

Identity (Body image)

Practical Skills & Capabilities

(Social) Environment

Identity (Social Roles)

(Cultural) Values
(Work, Political status - Citizenry)

Environment (Accessibility)

My source: HIFA forum

Dear HIFA Colleagues

I would like to share with you what I have found to be a simple and practical behavioural model which can be used as a framework for designing, reviewing and enhancing health promotion interventions.

The “Logical Levels” model proposes that the change or maintenance of a particular behaviour must be supported at various ‘neurological levels’: “Environment”, “Skills and Capabilities”, “Beliefs and Values” and “Identity”. All levels must be appropriately and effectively addressed and failure to address any one of the levels can undermine the impact of a health promotion intervention.

For example, relating the model to condom use: Even if someone can get condoms easily (Environment), can use them properly and negotiate their use with a sexual partner (Skills and Capabilities) and believes they are highly effective at preventing HIV, other STIs and unintended pregnancy (Beliefs and Values), Identities such as “I am useless and worthless” or “I am a macho stud” may still prevent them from actually using condoms. In such cases, a shift at the level of Identity is also needed to support condom use.

This article (http://www.boht.org/key-concepts.aspx/#LogicalLevels) presents the Logical Levels model and how it can be used to enhance health promotion interventions, with the illustrative example of how it has informed the development of a training kit which addresses condom use at all the different logical levels.

Best Regards

Peter Labouchere
BRIDGES OF HOPE TRAINING - Transformational Training for Healthy Lives
E-mail: peter AT boht.org
Skype: peterlabouchere
Website: www.boht.org

HIFA profile: Peter Labouchere is a Training Consultant / Executive Director at Bridges of Hope Training, South Africa. Professional interests: Developing innovative training materials and engaging participatory training methodologies to address (throughout Africa and beyond) a spectrum of health and behaviour change issues including HIV-prevention, testing, treatment, stigma, positive living, PMTCT and Medical Male Circumcision. peter AT boht.org