Person centred care, wormholes, pesterers, care domains (iii)
Person centred care, wormholes, pesterers, care domains (i)
Person centred care, wormholes, pesterers, care domains (ii)
Mentor: Shall we re-turn to your question?
Mentor: So to recap how we can define and represent person centered care? Where does person centered care fit in h2cm (Hodges' health career model)?
The INDIVIDUAL-GROUP vertical axis places the person, the individual - at the top of the model. That could be a positive if we are thinking hierarchically, but shouldn't a model that is situated AND person centred be explicit and put the person at the center? Is that the nub of it?
Mentor: So can you suggest an avenue to pursue?
Mentor: And that was your suggestion if I recall correctly. In a similar way you also mentioned ensuring that the individual is taken into account across all the domains of care. So it sounds like there is a theme there?
Mentor: Mmm.. What do you do?
Student: I study obviously. Mentor: And...? Student: Well I study and work as a nurse - a student nurse...
Mentor: So you should know the answer? I do not practise clinically as much as I used to, so you have an advantage over me in terms of finding the answer.
Mentor: For matters 'person centered' is there a better place to look?
Mentor: Is your job easy in practice?
Mentor: Ah, now you may have something there!
Mentor: So it sounds like nursing requires - demands even several forms of effort.
Mentor: And the model - h2cm - can support you in your reasoning and action?
Mentor: So if the model says something about person centered care what does it say?
Mentor: Well found. Yes, it takes a lot of effort on the part of individual practitioners to put the patient, carer, member of the public - the person - at the center and keep them there. Socio-political factors and lest we forget sometimes the individual themselves will sweep the center clear. What we find and place there are the constraints which are always many and can always be found, such as; location, finance, beliefs, politics... Nursing, health and social care is a constant struggle not necessarily against nature, but with nature and many other factors.

Kaku, Michio (1994). Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fig. 2.4, p. 42.